That is so weird. I posted a birthday post for you at around 6:00 AM on October 16th after my 8 mile run, and it seems that it’s just now showing up. Ok, that’s a lie. And it’s not even a lie I have to make, because the fact that I’m wishing you a Happy Birthday nearly two months late says a lot about why we became friends in the first place. If I weren’t the type of person who wished someone a Happy Birthday two months late, then I wouldn’t have been the type of person who was willing to spend a good portion of college lying around and talking for hours and hours and hours and hours about things large and small.
I’ve crunched the numbers, and I can directly attribute 0.7 in lost GPA points to you. But if I hadn’t have traded those lost GPA points to be your friend, we wouldn’t have spent time together doing ACCESS with that incredibly weird family who asked us to babysit their children for 4 days while they went to Wendover. We never would have been exposed to that mystery meal in the Mason Jar, the thought of which is actually making me physically gag right now. You never would have gone on a date with Jon Wood or received his plastic rose. You never would have found me on your couch watching Batman and doing awesome. We wouldn’t have talked our way into feeling better through countless crushes and break-ups. We wouldn’t have weathered those later, post-BYU single years where we wondered if either of us was ever going to get married, and I wouldn’t have seen you at your wedding, beaming and happy, and you wouldn’t have been at mine, with a little bun in the oven.
In short, if I wasn’t the kind of person to come in just shy of two months late on a birthday blog, then we never would have been friends in the first place, and I wouldn’t have been invited to write this, and Germany probably would have won World War 2. I think we can both agree that no one wants to see that happen. Anyway, Happy 30th Birthday. I love you and I’m so happy that you’re so happy.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
Happy Birthday to the Best Little Mommy in the WORLD
Could it be that the reason why Claire-Bear is so completely P-E-R-F-E-C-T is because she knows how GREAT she has it? She just landed the world's BEST Mom! (And the world's most adoring Dad - did everyone know that Spencer made a blog for Claire? - So sweet) That little darling is one lucky lady. And oh, how we love that little girl! I can't wait to watch you mother darling Claire, and learn all your tricks... Happy Birthday Sarina!
Happy Birthday!
Sara is as fun-loving, care-free and easy-going as anyone I know. Better yet, she complements those qualities with a BIG HEART, with which she uses to make people feel loved. Simply stated, Sara is one of my absolute favorite people.
Happy 30th Sara!!

We love you, Sara! I also didn't realize how bad resolution was from iphone photos (sorry). We love you for so many reasons, but one is your contagious enthusiasm and energy. That carries over into ever area of your life - skiing, Disney songs, bargain shopping, horticulture and being an all-star aunt. (and now a mom!) We hope that you have a fabulous day! We love you so much!!
Happy Birthday dear Sara
Sara Pratt Henriod - the name itself brings a smile to my face. It was some 12 years ago that I met you briefly in Helaman Halls, and sometime later that year when my cousin Amy convinced me that living with you would be "so much fun". And boy was she right! I hardly knew you the day we moved in together. The next year was one of the best of my life. I am one of those priviledged enough to say that "Sara Pratt was my roommate." And we were even roommates 3 separate time. Canterwood, Chatham Towne, and Hawaii. How lucky was I?
Some of my favorite memories: Walking in on Sara in her blue robe playing Dr. Mario, eating a popsicle, talking on the phone, mid-day, with a black eye from lacrosse; "telling the truth is not going to be easy..."; countless late night chats lying in your bed, and other nights turning your bedroom light off after you fell asleep reading your homework; driving to St. George and back in one night, Run for their Lives; cleaning our bathroom in Hawaii, and the flying cockroaches; Ah Hawaii - the beach everyday, hikes, 24, you and your cast, you persuading me to go to Brazil for some Matt guy; the beautiful flowers you made for my wedding; Lake Winnipesaukee and it goes on...
I don't think I have ever met a person who knew you who didn't just absolutely LOVE you and think you were the coolest person ever. Is it any testament to how much people love you that everyone on this blog thinks that you are their best friend? Because I do. And do you know why? It's because you treat every person like they are your favorite. You make everyone feel good about themselves and take such an interest in them. I've never been in your presence when I haven't felt like I was the greatest person in the world. I don't think I've been half as deserving of the 1000 compliments you have given me over the course of our friendship, but thank you anyway. I love your ability to make people laugh, smile, and have fun. I love the zest and optimism you have for life. I love your adventurous nature. I love your wisdom and good sense for life, family, and the gospel. I love the way you love and serve others. Well...I love you!
Happy 30th! I hope your day is the best ever. I think 'you ought to give Iowa a try' soon so that I can have a daily dose of Sara, meet your cute little Claire and soak in all the happiness that comes from being in your presence. Though I'm sure my boys might end up liking you better. But I'm OK with that.
Love, Ann Marie
Some of my favorite memories: Walking in on Sara in her blue robe playing Dr. Mario, eating a popsicle, talking on the phone, mid-day, with a black eye from lacrosse; "telling the truth is not going to be easy..."; countless late night chats lying in your bed, and other nights turning your bedroom light off after you fell asleep reading your homework; driving to St. George and back in one night, Run for their Lives; cleaning our bathroom in Hawaii, and the flying cockroaches; Ah Hawaii - the beach everyday, hikes, 24, you and your cast, you persuading me to go to Brazil for some Matt guy; the beautiful flowers you made for my wedding; Lake Winnipesaukee and it goes on...
I don't think I have ever met a person who knew you who didn't just absolutely LOVE you and think you were the coolest person ever. Is it any testament to how much people love you that everyone on this blog thinks that you are their best friend? Because I do. And do you know why? It's because you treat every person like they are your favorite. You make everyone feel good about themselves and take such an interest in them. I've never been in your presence when I haven't felt like I was the greatest person in the world. I don't think I've been half as deserving of the 1000 compliments you have given me over the course of our friendship, but thank you anyway. I love your ability to make people laugh, smile, and have fun. I love the zest and optimism you have for life. I love your adventurous nature. I love your wisdom and good sense for life, family, and the gospel. I love the way you love and serve others. Well...I love you!
Happy 30th! I hope your day is the best ever. I think 'you ought to give Iowa a try' soon so that I can have a daily dose of Sara, meet your cute little Claire and soak in all the happiness that comes from being in your presence. Though I'm sure my boys might end up liking you better. But I'm OK with that.
Love, Ann Marie
Happy Birthday

Thank you for making the last 2 1/2 years the best years of my life. I am the luckiest man in the world. I know a lot of men believe that, but I actually know it's true. I haven't done anything in my life to deserve you, but I am so grateful to have you.
Thank you for making me better, and making me laugh. You are truly good through and through, and I love you so much. Happy Birthday!
Love, Spencer
Happy, happy, birthday! What a ride. I am so happy for you at this time in your life. You are doing what you were always meant to do. That little girl is the luckiest little baby alive to have you as her mother! You are the most fun, tough, sensitive to others, kind, funny, athletic, creative person. I am a blessed person to have you in my life and in SO many memories. I LOVE talking to you and seeing your perspective on life. Happy 30th! I love you!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Happy Happy Happy Birthday!!!
Happy Birthday to the best sister in the world!
Sara, I love you so much! I love your warmth and your excitment for life and your engaging personality.
I have LOVED reading this blog and hearing how much so many many people love you. You are engaging and kind and such a wonderful person. I can't really express how grateful I am for your infulence on my life. My little sister who i have looked up to so much for so long, and have always tried to live up to. Sorry to be so mushy. The other entries really got me crying, and now all I can do is gush. Sorry.
I loved growing up with you and laughing all the time. I love how much you love children and always are so kind and loving to my children. This is a picture of you taking Matthew on his first ever ski run (not me taking him -you.) I love seeing all that love that you have had for our kids being transeferred over to little perfect Claire. I am not sure if one baby can take so much loving! I have LOVED seeing you mother that little baby, and I have learned so much about patience and happiness and compassion from watching you.
Thank you for being my Sara.
Love you, Paige
SARA'S 30!
Well Sar, let's see...first I saw you in the temple--celestial room--next thing I know we're on a double date together. And that double date really turned into more of a date for the two of us than the guys we were with--remember? Ha ha. Hilarious. They were quite jealous of our budding relationship and asked at the end of the date if we (you and I) were going to go out again. Awesome. And from that moment, our relationship--so much more than we ever had with those two boys--began. Skiing, mountain biking--falling off of bridges into creeks--hiking, laughing, lots and lots of talking (hello, this is Sara Pratt), backpacking (Coyote Gulch), etc. etc. We had good times! (Why is this message sounding so cheesy?) Basically Sar, I love ya. I'm so grateful we went on that date together and became great friends. I love you. You are hilarious, so positive, so loving, caring, and incredibly amazing at making everyone feel like they are the best thing since sliced bread. I miss you, but love that sometimes I get to steal you away when you come here (i.e. movie and hike last time you were here?)
Happy 30th birthday to you my dear Pratty! I'm so happy you are realizing your life's biggest dream as a mother of beautiful Claire right now! Come home and let's ski!
Thanks for being such a wonderful friend,
Love Rach
My dearest Sara, I remember the day you walked through the front door of Kenwood. It must have been fate because I should have met you the year earlier in Thailand but I missed my chance and I was given another one. Some of the best memories of my latter years are of Kenwood with you. Sar, you've taught me so much in the short time I have known you. You have such a gift for making others feel loved. I will forever be thankful for my days as your roommate. I will always strive to be like you. I love you so much and I wish you the happiest of all birthdays. Gretch

Pratty, The World's Best Out-Nicer
(Forgive me forgive me for the ridiculously belated post. I thought of you on the 16th, but failed execution big time. Know that I wish you a continuously happy birthday, love you to pieces, and seem to think I can take up all the space I want as a latecomer.)

You remind me of confetti - bright, happy, a sign of celebration, reason for giddiness, one of my favorite things. If I were near you right now I would bring over a big bouquet of white balloons and throw confetti over your head.

You are, to this day, the kindest person I know. You have given me everything of yours I've ever admired (I learned to try to stop complimenting your possessions for fear of you ending up with nothing). It's a normal part of your routine to do good until you crash on a floor somewhere, usually mid-sentence with your jacket and shoes still on. I would always wait for it... wait for it.. and chuckle as you'd wake up halfway mumbling "I'm so sorry, did I fall asleep while you were talking?! Finish your story..."

Oh the days of sharing a bed here in DC... roommates at last! I envy Spencer for the pillow talk. Those handful of months we were room roommates were some of my best memories - not even being able to let you move into the next room (where you had your own bed) for fear of missing out on any little conversation. I would have kept you there forever, selfishly, and am grateful you had the foresight to go back to the mountains you love so you and Spencer could fall in love.

You are the kind of person who makes it to a friend's endowment one night, then (after an ice cream stop) drives all night to make it to the next friend's wedding shower; the kind of friend who makes Twinkie wedding cakes in the backseat of a car; the kind of friend who plants tulips in the yard, even though it's a rental; the kind of friend who acknowledges that cake plates make life better, and gets you your first; the kind of friend who never begrudges grueling travel if it means car & talk time.

You're the kind of friend who can throw the world's best bridal shower; the kind of friend who makes homemade rolls & puts frozen fruit in the water, just out of love; the kind of friend who will hand-iron hundreds of ribbons for someone else's use; the kind of friend who will spend the whole day of a wedding arranging flowers and tracking down centerpieces.

Dearest Pratty,
You remind me of confetti - bright, happy, a sign of celebration, reason for giddiness, one of my favorite things. If I were near you right now I would bring over a big bouquet of white balloons and throw confetti over your head.
You are, to this day, the kindest person I know. You have given me everything of yours I've ever admired (I learned to try to stop complimenting your possessions for fear of you ending up with nothing). It's a normal part of your routine to do good until you crash on a floor somewhere, usually mid-sentence with your jacket and shoes still on. I would always wait for it... wait for it.. and chuckle as you'd wake up halfway mumbling "I'm so sorry, did I fall asleep while you were talking?! Finish your story..."
Oh the days of sharing a bed here in DC... roommates at last! I envy Spencer for the pillow talk. Those handful of months we were room roommates were some of my best memories - not even being able to let you move into the next room (where you had your own bed) for fear of missing out on any little conversation. I would have kept you there forever, selfishly, and am grateful you had the foresight to go back to the mountains you love so you and Spencer could fall in love.
You are the kind of person who makes it to a friend's endowment one night, then (after an ice cream stop) drives all night to make it to the next friend's wedding shower; the kind of friend who makes Twinkie wedding cakes in the backseat of a car; the kind of friend who plants tulips in the yard, even though it's a rental; the kind of friend who acknowledges that cake plates make life better, and gets you your first; the kind of friend who never begrudges grueling travel if it means car & talk time.
You're the kind of friend who can throw the world's best bridal shower; the kind of friend who makes homemade rolls & puts frozen fruit in the water, just out of love; the kind of friend who will hand-iron hundreds of ribbons for someone else's use; the kind of friend who will spend the whole day of a wedding arranging flowers and tracking down centerpieces.
I'll never forget how beautiful you made my wedding.
I think I finally get why it is, as Carp pointed out, so hard to make kindred friends. It's because friend like you, who are abnormally (insert every good quality), are one in a million. I am grateful for you, love you, respect & admire you in countless ways, and hope to emulate you as a mother. You were, as everyone says, born for that role - Claire and all of your other children will praise your name.

Happy birthday dear Sara, may I hug, balloon, and confetti you in person on your next birthday (!!!).

you're THE BEST!!
okay let's be honest this would NOT officially be a sara blog if someone wasn't squeezing in this post at the last darn minute! sigh... memories of horticulture together?? the rumor is that i helped you graduate... well really my dear friend, you made me more than HAPPY to go through college!! so there i said it, i owe my college degree to you!! you are a dream come true.
there are lots of similarities in all these posts i'm noticing, you're the happiest, best company, always up for ANYthing, always laughing... and they're all the truth. i have to say hands down, if you don't love SARA PRATT HENRIOD then CLEARLY you're the one with the problem :) 
there are so many reasons to love you... and so many memories to explain why... i have to say, one of my favorites, not even a leg cast will stop this girl from havin' a good time... in hawaii!! no problem here! i love that you still tried to keep our internship even with that blasted cast! sand in my cast? no problem... snorkling? no problem... scuba diving? no problem... walking to class in the awkward foot cast? no problem, i'll just skateboard!!

classic determined sara... hmmm... i see this rock sticking out of the MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN. i'm going to swim out there with one gimp foot in a weighted down cast!!!

you are unstopable. i love that!! i love that you've always wanted to be a mom more than anything and now you finally got your wish. you are my example for that. you would give up anything for anyone... proud to know you! proud to be known by you and loved by you... wish we just lived closer :) don't worry, you've got your world reserved right next to mine when that day of next creation comes. i apologize you'll have to be our neighbor, but we're thrilled to have you as ours!!
love you girl! happy birthday... to you!!
michelle louis thomas
Happy Birthday to such an awesome, fabulous, favorite person! 30 years of smiles, laughter and fun. What I love about Sara is that... you truly are the life of the party! You are so full of love and happiness which radiates from you. You've always been a great friend. You are one of a kind and help those around you feel the same. I hope you have a wonderful, fantastic, delightful birthday! I love you Sara!
Happy Birthday, Sara!! We love you so much. It was so much fun to live with you and Spencer this past summer. It really was so wonderful to see you as a mother and witness your love for claire. I can sincerely say that I have never seen a mother love a child so much. Both you and Spencer are the best parents, which is the most important thing a person can be good at. Thank you for your wonderful example. You make me want to be a mother. We love you and hope you have a wonderful birthday!
Courtney and Christian Pena
Happy, happy birthday, Sara!
Welcome to the Thirties Club—you’re gonna love it here! Since first meeting you while sitting around my parents dining room table in Salt Lake City (a sister of Christi’s is a sister of mine!), to visits in New Hampshire, and now neighbors in North Carolina (I can’t believe my luck!), I have been amazed by the warmth and happiness you radiate! Gracious, giving, solid, adorable and FUN are other words that come to mind—and you also win as the all-time #1 Primary teacher!
A dose of Sara always brightens my whole week! I hope you have a fantastic day!
A dose of Sara always brightens my whole week! I hope you have a fantastic day!
love, Ann
(^^said with real sincerity and fervor^^)
Happy Birthday Sara!!
The older I get, the more I realize that it is HARD to find kindred friends. I appreciate you more each year and still grasp to that hope of finding a common city. If only we could be surrounded by each other in Provo forever...or at least be together in a cul-de-sac in San Diego with a flexible schedule. And a high metabolism. I miss you more than you know. Every time I visit, I’m reminded of how amazing you are. You’re upbeat, your smile is contagious, you’re down to earth, you’re beautiful, and you’re completely talented at everything (while making it look effortless). Case in point: you confessed to a lack of baby preparation (before Claire was born) and then 24 hours later (after Claire was born) enthusiastically declared, “Labor: no big deal!” I LOVED being able to be there on Claire’s debut weekend. She’s the luckiest girl to have a mom like you. You're the best combination of responsible, loving mom and youthful enthusiasm (Planning the ribbons and cake platter centerpieces for wedding = totally responsible, loving move. Snow cones before the wedding lunch? Risking the tiger's milk syrup on our silk skirts, not to mention our bright red tongues = youthful enthusiasm).
When we first met, I worried that I would always be intimidated by your casual perfection, until I realized that part of your perfection was making everyone feel completely at ease and loved. You’re always thinking of others and always reminding me of who I’d like to become or what perspective I’d like to have. You are always accepting - no comment was too cheesy (see title of post), no breakdown was too self-indulgent (I seemed to have a lot of breakdowns in college, didn't I?), no bike pace was too slow (I was definitely a novice at Sundance), no tennis match was too competitive, and no drama was too dramatic to keep us from being friends. Even though Sarah Stancliff may be able to out-nice us all of our lives, I’ll do my best to keep up my efforts – I would do anything for you.
I hope that 30 is the best year yet! I love you!
Amy Carp-Meyers
The older I get, the more I realize that it is HARD to find kindred friends. I appreciate you more each year and still grasp to that hope of finding a common city. If only we could be surrounded by each other in Provo forever...or at least be together in a cul-de-sac in San Diego with a flexible schedule. And a high metabolism. I miss you more than you know. Every time I visit, I’m reminded of how amazing you are. You’re upbeat, your smile is contagious, you’re down to earth, you’re beautiful, and you’re completely talented at everything (while making it look effortless). Case in point: you confessed to a lack of baby preparation (before Claire was born) and then 24 hours later (after Claire was born) enthusiastically declared, “Labor: no big deal!” I LOVED being able to be there on Claire’s debut weekend. She’s the luckiest girl to have a mom like you. You're the best combination of responsible, loving mom and youthful enthusiasm (Planning the ribbons and cake platter centerpieces for wedding = totally responsible, loving move. Snow cones before the wedding lunch? Risking the tiger's milk syrup on our silk skirts, not to mention our bright red tongues = youthful enthusiasm).
When we first met, I worried that I would always be intimidated by your casual perfection, until I realized that part of your perfection was making everyone feel completely at ease and loved. You’re always thinking of others and always reminding me of who I’d like to become or what perspective I’d like to have. You are always accepting - no comment was too cheesy (see title of post), no breakdown was too self-indulgent (I seemed to have a lot of breakdowns in college, didn't I?), no bike pace was too slow (I was definitely a novice at Sundance), no tennis match was too competitive, and no drama was too dramatic to keep us from being friends. Even though Sarah Stancliff may be able to out-nice us all of our lives, I’ll do my best to keep up my efforts – I would do anything for you.
I hope that 30 is the best year yet! I love you!
Amy Carp-Meyers
Thirty's exciting..
And so was this.....
I still remember the first time I met you. You were asleep on the Bluehouse couch. I walked in and thought to myself, "This is her. This is the girl all these boys have been talking about... What's so special about this little number?" It took me .025 seconds to fall madly in love. That's right, instant girl crush, and I'm still crushin!
I'm pretty dang sure there isn't anything you can't do, Sara. I will be forever impressed with all your many talents and skills. Besides being able to rock any ski slope, and yes, climb any mountain, you can uplift and inspire anyone who comes your way. It's impossible to be unhappy around you. And, on top of all that, you are REAL. You are genuine! And you carry the best spirit about you. What a lucky little Claire, and lucky Spencer!
Happy Birthday Sara!! Here's to more beach trips, more Escalante memories, more hand-stands in Yosemite, more roller hockey, maybe a little less skateboarding (it's scares me a little more now), more watersking, and more... Everything! I love the memories I have with you, and will always cherish our friendship! Cheers, Sara!
Big hug with lots of love,
I'm pretty dang sure there isn't anything you can't do, Sara. I will be forever impressed with all your many talents and skills. Besides being able to rock any ski slope, and yes, climb any mountain, you can uplift and inspire anyone who comes your way. It's impossible to be unhappy around you. And, on top of all that, you are REAL. You are genuine! And you carry the best spirit about you. What a lucky little Claire, and lucky Spencer!
Happy Birthday Sara!! Here's to more beach trips, more Escalante memories, more hand-stands in Yosemite, more roller hockey, maybe a little less skateboarding (it's scares me a little more now), more watersking, and more... Everything! I love the memories I have with you, and will always cherish our friendship! Cheers, Sara!
Big hug with lots of love,
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah

I have to say thirty has felt a little different these days. I dont' know if you can tell by my pictures but I have noticed something just doesn't seem quite right. J/K!
What is in the world now that you are 30 you are totally in the club. 30 for most people just means they are counting and depressed, but for the truly wise like us we know better. We wake up and embrace the fact that we look incredible cause man you are gorgeous(please tell yourself that at least 30x's today). Life gets better with every year for now on. The blessings of family become richer and more worth all the effort. You have now learned a few lessons in life that you don't have to learn and get to appreciate those lessons.
If only to be as cool as you Sarah! Who is the best! You are incredibly happy even when I am sure its hard to be you make it look easy. You are a great example of child of God. You who chooses and stand up for her standards. That might seem silly for me to say that but honestly these days its hard to find people who aren't tired and grouchy. I love that I can call you friend. I will always remember playing games with you and Spencer and sitter there thinking those two are perfect for each other. We will definitely have to do that again. Happy Birthday
Happy Happy Birthday Sarah dear, happy days will come to you all year, if I had a wish that it would be a happy happy birthday to you from me!
Rachel Gee and family
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