I have to say thirty has felt a little different these days. I dont' know if you can tell by my pictures but I have noticed something just doesn't seem quite right. J/K!
What is in the world now that you are 30 you are totally in the club. 30 for most people just means they are counting and depressed, but for the truly wise like us we know better. We wake up and embrace the fact that we look incredible cause man you are gorgeous(please tell yourself that at least 30x's today). Life gets better with every year for now on. The blessings of family become richer and more worth all the effort. You have now learned a few lessons in life that you don't have to learn and get to appreciate those lessons.
If only to be as cool as you Sarah! Who is the best! You are incredibly happy even when I am sure its hard to be you make it look easy. You are a great example of child of God. You who chooses and stand up for her standards. That might seem silly for me to say that but honestly these days its hard to find people who aren't tired and grouchy. I love that I can call you friend. I will always remember playing games with you and Spencer and sitter there thinking those two are perfect for each other. We will definitely have to do that again. Happy Birthday
Happy Happy Birthday Sarah dear, happy days will come to you all year, if I had a wish that it would be a happy happy birthday to you from me!
Rachel Gee and family
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