Thursday, October 15, 2009


(^^said with real sincerity and fervor^^)

Happy Birthday Sara!!

The older I get, the more I realize that it is HARD to find kindred friends. I appreciate you more each year and still grasp to that hope of finding a common city. If only we could be surrounded by each other in Provo forever...or at least be together in a cul-de-sac in San Diego with a flexible schedule. And a high metabolism. I miss you more than you know. Every time I visit, I’m reminded of how amazing you are. You’re upbeat, your smile is contagious, you’re down to earth, you’re beautiful, and you’re completely talented at everything (while making it look effortless). Case in point: you confessed to a lack of baby preparation (before Claire was born) and then 24 hours later (after Claire was born) enthusiastically declared, “Labor: no big deal!” I LOVED being able to be there on Claire’s debut weekend. She’s the luckiest girl to have a mom like you. You're the best combination of responsible, loving mom and youthful enthusiasm (Planning the ribbons and cake platter centerpieces for wedding = totally responsible, loving move. Snow cones before the wedding lunch? Risking the tiger's milk syrup on our silk skirts, not to mention our bright red tongues = youthful enthusiasm).

When we first met, I worried that I would always be intimidated by your casual perfection, until I realized that part of your perfection was making everyone feel completely at ease and loved. You’re always thinking of others and always reminding me of who I’d like to become or what perspective I’d like to have. You are always accepting - no comment was too cheesy (see title of post), no breakdown was too self-indulgent (I seemed to have a lot of breakdowns in college, didn't I?), no bike pace was too slow (I was definitely a novice at Sundance), no tennis match was too competitive, and no drama was too dramatic to keep us from being friends. Even though Sarah Stancliff may be able to out-nice us all of our lives, I’ll do my best to keep up my efforts – I would do anything for you.

I hope that 30 is the best year yet! I love you!

Amy Carp-Meyers

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