I love your happy nature. Whenever I think of you I can see you laughing and smiling. You light up a room when you walk in and add happiness, enthusiasm and fun wherever you go.
I love your kind and tender heart and the way you so freely love people. You serve others in such a natural way that I am not always sure you realize that you are serving them. It just flows from you. Brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, saints in Peru, traumatized people in Thailand, children learning to ski, hungry missionaries, neighbors - you have loved and served them all.
I have always loved your love of children. You are the original Pied Piper and children everywhere feel your love and respond by adoring you. I am constantly amazed at your clever supply of techniques to engage and entertain children. It has been so precious to watch you as a new mother and see the joy and delight you find in your precious little Claire-bear. What a lucky and blessed little girl to have two such adoring parents who will make her life so happy. I am so grateful for all the ways in which the Lord has blessed you - fabulous husband (Spencer is the best!), precious baby ("She's just sooo cute"), darling house, immovable testimony, adoring family, fabulous friends and on and on and on. You are so worthy of all of these blessings. May the coming year and decade ( this is your 30th?!?!?!?!? How can that be?) bring you all the blessings you desire.
I love you with all my heart! Happy Birthday.
Love, Mom
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