HAPPY STINKING BIRTHDAY!!!! (Well, I guess Spencer is in charge of the "Happy" part, Claire in charge of the stinking, and "Birthday"........your parents!) YAY for the world when you were born! Talk about one of the BEST additions EVER to the world!!!!
Man, where to start on ALL our memories together?!?! I guess I'll start with a list of my favs.....

1- when you knocked down the Demon Deacon mascot, and put on the outfit and ran around the football field! That was so awesome!
2- When we glued quarters to the ground in the mall to see how many people would try to pick them up
3- When we taped McDs food to the top of your car (do you remember that BRIGHT pink wagon you had?! Total guy magnet!) and drove around. I think we counted 22 people telling us that we left our food on top of our car!
4- When you put Claire's poopy diaper under Spencer's pillow!
5- When we went on that AWESOME cruise and that Colombian guy kept hitting on you because he liked your calves!
Seriously, we just have the BEST memories together. It's really unbelievable all that we've done together! ...........yea, REALLY unbelievable since none of that happened! But maybe, just MAY-BE some of your friends posting on here just read the list and thought that you really did those things.........that thought alone will bring a smile to my face!
I told Camden it was your birthday and he said, "Tell her I want to come to her house again!" That just might be the best b-day compliment ever! Besides my list, that is:
- coolest game night couple EVER
-best Primary teacher PERIOD
-most contageous laugh
-most humble award HANDS DOWN
-if we had to live with another couple it would DEFINITELY be you all
(w/o the squirrels, I guess)
-coolest warming chip dip bowl
-best shower throw-er
-awesome photographer (it's getting that time of year again........)
-easiest person to pass the time with (w/o knowing that your WHOLE day is gone!)
Seriously, I hope you have the BEST birthday ever at that beach house thinking about how you're missing the even BETTER Enrichment night taught by the coolest of people. Our other present to you, comes through Spencer................a whole HOUR footrub by him. (don't worry we didn't break the bank on that present!) Love, the Smiths!
PS- I dropped off your pans/bowls to you on Monday and left them on your porch. I brought my camera and everything to try to get a silly/embarrassing picture to post of you on here, but you weren't there! My genius/sneaky plan was TOTALLY thwarted by your absence!
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